Thursday, August 11, 2005

Some muthas do 'ave 'em.

Generation Kill by Evan Wright is an 'easy' read into the minds of men in battle. As one reviewer remarks, it's a 'visceral' read. Perhaps everyone should read one book like this just to see what are the 'on the ground' consequences of what is, effectively, colonial policy.
The book provides a snapshot into the lives, method and thoughts of U.S. combat troops at the very front in The Iraq War - now the war whose major protagonists wish to disown.


Also of interest is Acts of war by Professor Richard Holmes (admittedly, part read). Early in the book he mentions there is something of an 80% chance of success in a military operation; this presumably when the odds are in favour. A figure perhaps as relevant as Vic Reeves' '84.2% of statistics are made up on the spot'. (82.4%?) Add in Rumsfield's 'unknowns' and then do the math(s).
When you consider the eficiencies and operation of peacetime industry then war, as the dirtiest of business, and its manner shouldn't really come as a surprise.

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