Sunday, September 21, 2008

Manchester w . . .

(Online forum response to Manchester evening News - "Woman fined £700 in bins row')

I'm stunned that Victoria Clarke gets so much flak from equally affected citizens of Manchester. Rather than attack her character (seemingly assumed and maybe people in glasshouses . . . ) we should be demanding a proper waste collection service where binmen/de-waste collection operators, or whatever their called, pick up all the rubbish from a location principally convenient to the tenant. And taken as granted.

While we're at it we ought lay off the binmen too and develop some solidarity. They are no more guilty than the rest of us who work to schedule or even try to beat the clock. Who knows? - they might then be happier doing what is quite a crappy job and do it well.

Despite ever rising - and sneakier - taxes we're getting a much reduced service; in fact we're doing more of it ourselves. Worse than that, our volunteered efforts become expected, then ordered, 'offenders' pilloried and penalised.

It's shaming that we fight amongst ourselves rather than take this up with those that dealt the blow in the first place, or at least (and they quite possibly are the least . . . ) with the most prominent representatives - New Labour.

And wouldn't you know it? - the misanthropic twats are in town right now and enjoying some £18 million in expense accounts 1). For me they can keep 'their' money and maybe we should emulate the approach of MP barring publican Roger Hantulik and even the Police and give our 'leaders' some Northern Discomfort - make their stay as uncomfortable as they're making our lives.

They may even do something other than save their own skins and deal us up rubbish.

1) See Manchester evening News 'An £18 million windfall as Labour bandwagon rolls into town'.

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