Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Jerry Springer, The opera and religion.

Quick one this (wage-labour calls).

BBC2 (UK) screened this recently and I must say I laughed all the way thru (the child in me found some of the swearing and concepts most amusing.). However, the portrayal of religious figures - God, Jesus and El Diablo tends to rub some people up the wrong way. Hmm, just as I choose not to go to church, then surely they don't have to watch it? But then there is the matter of taking the lord's name in vain?
And so be it. Religion is nothing more than a crutch. It gives people hope that despite the hardships of Life on Earth and all the things we don't yet understand then things will all be ok up in the heavens/valhalla or whatever your particular brand happens to call the 'afterlife'.
Heaven conjures up fantasy images of a peaceful environment where everyone is happy and gets on . . . . . oops! gotta go earn my boss some money (He loves me)
. . . . . suffice to say that religion is a lottery ticket that I ain't buying. Surely we would be better spending our time attempting to make sense of the world we actually inhabit and dispense with outmoded fairytales?


Wakefield man said...

Mark you talk complete shite on every post you make!

Mark Harrop said...

Glad you took the time to trawl them.

I often wish to hide as taking up the arguments is pretty daunting and as you've sussed reveals much shoddy work here.
Nonetheless, our political class are mostly lightweights and remain in place purely because they are unchallenged.

The current period proves beyond doubt that politics is very much alive even if 'that lot' are in self inflicted turmoil. Do we let them take us with them or look elsewhere?

Politics and history are products of people acting on them and perhaps making fools of themselves in the process. I just think we're mad if we accept what's put before us without question.

I bet you don't smoke the same cigarettes as me.