Friday, February 17, 2006

F*cking Welsh!*

The Welsh Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority has decided that 'intimate physical contact' is to be ruled out with regards to schoolplays - just in case anyone gets any ideas. I never read Romeo and Juliet at school but did experiment with Lorraine Ferriday under the table, likewise I gawped at Andrea Belkus' mottle- skinned chest (just because it was 'rude' most probably (5-6 yrs old or thereabouts).

Like most other living creatures we are likely genetically programmed to be attracted to the opposite sex (unless you're a slug or something). And a good job really, considering. Further, our own life experiences prove that a) babies come from ladies and b) men have something to do with them getting there. The former becomes apparent by the lady in bloom and the latter - 'all the mucky stuff that we don't talk about' but do, thankfully. My innocent enquiries as to why is that lady so fat copped for a clip 'round the ear - people were likely even more uptight back then.

It seems mighty strange that this most animal of instincts is sought to be codified, certificated, given a clean bill of health and hidden . . . . sometimes.

Even the great and the good will use whatever 'appeal' they have hence - Tony '5 times' (one often wondered why the missus seems to walk sideways).

Call me a prude - porn, eroticism and the like have their place but the act itself - one of intimacy - suggests that it is no one else's business other than those involved. As novelty in drama it titillates, too much and it's commonplace, gratuitous and boring. There's no doubt that emotion and portrayal of intimate acts are fundamental to drama but I wouldn't fancy some great Dionysian sexual-gymnastic display. Maybe I am a prude.

Others have chortled at this bout of political correctness and rightly so. Kids aren't stupid yet this latest notion treats them so - and everyone else.

Where will it end?

(*I have enjoyed many visits to Wales.)